A Street in Morocco

by Chris Armytage
A Street in Morocco
Chris Armytage
Painting - Digital Watercolor On Paper
A Street in Morocco is an abstract cityscape watercolor painting in blue, ochre, orange and white. Copyright 2020 ChrisArmytage™, Photographic Artist, Australia.
November 27th, 2020
Comments (13)

Kevin Lane
Very Beautiful artwork Chris, Love these colors and the textures just fantastic, Congratulation on your feature in "No Place Like Home" Very well deserved !!! L/F

Jenny Revitz Soper
CONGRATULATIONS! This piece has been FEATURED on the homepage of the group No Place Like Home, 2/20/2021 Way to go! Please post it in the Group's Features discussion thread for posterity and/or any other thread that fits! l/f
Chris Armytage replied:
So honoured to have my work featured in No Place Like Home, delighted thanks Jenny!

Chris Armytage
Many thanks to group host, Nader Rangidan, for featuring "A Street in Morocco" in FAA Professionals 02/10/2021!

John M Bailey
Congratulations on your feature in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!"