Brown Finch on an Orange Kangaroo Paw

by Chris Armytage
Brown Finch on an Orange Kangaroo Paw
Chris Armytage
Painting - Photographic Art On Digital Canvas
"Brown Finch on on an Orange Kangaroo Paw" is a colourful nature landscape painted in digital oils, Copyright 2019, ChrisArmytage, Photographic Artist, Australia.
Kangaroo paw is the common name for a number of species, in two genera of the family Haemodoraceae, that are endemic to the south-west of Western Australia. These rhizomatous perennial plants are noted for their unique bird-attracting flowers. The tubular flowers are coated with dense hairs and open at the apex with six claw-like structures, and it is from this paw-like formation that the common name "kangaroo paw" is derived.
The plant is native to south-western Australia, occurring naturally from the Murchison River in the North to Busselton and Mount Barker in the South, and Lake Muir to the East. It has been developed as a cut-flower crop in the United States, Israel and Japan. In Israel, plants are propagated from tissue culture imported from Australia and are then grown in unheated greenhouses in natural day conditions. The plants have found their way to California and become popular among garden supply businesses there.
This image was digitally painted from a photograph by Sandid, free for commercial use on Pixabay https://pixabay.com/users/sandid-356019/
September 6th, 2019
Comments (9)

VIVA Anderson
So beautiful,Chris...gloriously vibrant celebration , sweetest finch....love the intensity of Autumn colours.....fv...VIVA

Nancy Kane Chapman
This one is so special....the colors so rich and the little bird so sweet! Congrats on this feature, Chris! F/L++

John M Bailey
Congratulations on your feature in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!"
Chris Armytage replied:
John, thanks so much! It's always an honour and a joy to see my work featured in "Images That Excite You".