Bush Sunset

by Chris Armytage
Bush Sunset
Chris Armytage
Painting - Mixed Media Painting On Digital Canvas
Australian bush sunset landscape in digital mixed media © 2019 ChrisArmytage™, Photographic Artist.
All proceeds from the sale of this painting and it's products will go to the RFS (Rural Fire Service) Australia.
January 26th, 2019
Comments (19)

Jenny Revitz Soper
CONGRATULATIONS! It is my great pleasure to FEATURE your amazing artwork on the homepage of the Artist Group No Place Like Home, 3/3/2019! You are invited to post it in the Group's Features Discussion thread for posterity or any other thread that fits!
Chris Armytage replied:
Delighted thanks Jenny Revitz Soper, for the homepage feature in No Place Like Home!

Chris Armytage
Delighted thanks to group host, Romuald, for featuring "Bush Sunset" in "Arts Fantistic World"

Chris Armytage
Thank you so much Miroslava, for featuring "Bush Sunset" in the Australia in Pictures Group.

Jerry Bokowski
Such a moody mix of warm and cool colors, Chris. Here in southern Arizona we are always looking for shade during our Summers in June where the temperatures reach over 115 degrees Fahrenheit! This reminds me of the shelter of shade under a big tree!...Fav / like
Chris Armytage replied:
Thank you so much Jerry. Yes, we too are always seeking shade here in our Australian Summer. This year, it is hotter than usual and the smokey haze from the bush fires has given us some incredibly beautiful sunsets.

VIVA Anderson
This is wondrous, Chris....spectacular colours,that tree !!.....fv....VIVA
Chris Armytage replied:
Thanks so much V. The smokey air from the bushfires has given us some fabulous sunsets here ...